Saturday, November 7, 2015

NaBloPoMo #7: Lesson in Gratitude

Thursday afternoon a friend asked us if we would like to go with him and his family to the UNC- Guilford exhibition game on Friday night. We always love seeing these friends so said sure! Getting to see UNC, who is the pre-season #1 team in the country, play was an added bonus. Ok, being a rabid UNC basketball fan more than an added bonus.

What we didn't know was that these seats were 7 rows from the court! Our friends had been given these tickets by a man who, let's just say is a big donor to the athletic program, had ~40 tickets. Tickets in any area of the lower level (that's not a student section) are extremely hard to get so for him to have 40 was incredible.

During the second half, the donor came over to say hello to our friends and I thanked him for the tickets. I told him that in my 15 years of seeing Carolina play, these were by far the best seats I'd ever had. He said he liked being the Robin Hood of tickets -  getting them into the hands of people that normally wouldn't be able to sit there. It seemed that he was just as happy to see our excitement at getting the tickets as we were at being given them.

A good reminder that being generous to others is just as fulfilling to the giver as it is to the receiver.

Here are a few photos from the game, which UNC won handily 99-49.

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