Sunday, September 22, 2013

Year of Projects: At last

Dark and Stormy Simple Summer Tweed V Neck     Mork              Color Affection    Husband Sweater    Creedence       Striped Sweater   Boneyard Shawl

I finally finished the 1x1 ribbing on my Dark and Stormy Sweater! It was a slog but I just kept at it and finally bound off last night. I used Jenny's Surprising Stretchy Bind off because I'd read the collar won't lay right with too tight of a bind off. I debated about doing JSSBO on the whole band vs just the collar but ended up using it on the whole band and it looks ok. Whew! 

Now on to the sleeves - the reason one is half done is because I worked on it on a vacation several months ago. This is my oldest UFO so I'm very glad the end is in sight!

deepest part of the collar showing the 1x1 ribbing


  1. The ribbing is looking fantastic, really the sweater overall is looking great and will soon be off your needles.

  2. I'd be happy to wear a sweater like that. Good work.

  3. Girl, you are on the homestretch. The ribbed collar looks great.

  4. Your Dark and Stormy sweater is's always nice to see the finished line in sight.

  5. Your Dark and Stormy sweater is's always nice to see the finished line in sight.

  6. Good job on that sweater! They scare me a bit.. Too big a project and too much fitting to do!

  7. Your sweater is very nice and I admire you sticking with the 1X1 ribbing.

  8. Your sweater is very nice and I admire you sticking with the 1X1 ribbing.

  9. omg!!! this is the sweater that I've been looking for!! it's perfect!! and you'll have it just in time for the cold weather (which seems to be the time when I cast on for my sweaters!!!)

  10. That is looking great! I love the yarn you chose for it, it's perfect for the stitch pattern.
