Monday, November 29, 2010

Two down two to go. . .

sleeves that is. Somehow I reached the point of knitting the sleeves on both of my top-down projects at the same time which although a little boring is fun because it means the end is in sight!

First, here is my niece's February Little Lady sweater:

I realized if I get my act together I can give it to her for Christmas along with something fun because even though she always squeals with delight whenever she sees it, a sweater really isn't all that much fun to play with when you are 4. . .

Second, here is Peasy:

And to break-up the Sleeve Monotony, I also swatched and CO Dark and Stormy:

The color in the top picture is closer to what it actually looks like. It was dark (but not stormy) last night when I took the 2nd picture so I had to use the flash.


  1. lots of great sweater-ing in your place! they look wonderful -- and i'll bet the dark and stormy will be beautiful in that purple. i'm loving the cascade 220 in my husband's afghan. i always remember the yarn as being hard, but when i work with it i see that it's not at all. i keep thinking it'd make a great sweater, actually.

    and two thumbs up on a nutella cake, man i could go for some of that about now. :) happy belated birthday, from laos!

  2. Thanks Lori! I've made a hat with 220 but this is my first sweater and so far I love the yarn! I read on rav the heathers are a little bit softer than the solids.

    Wow! I've never been wished happy birthday from Laos before - very cool and thanks!
